Refund policy


Refund policy

1、Please submit the refund application form to the language center after filling out.

If the student does not handle it in person, the proxy is required to fill out the letter of authorization.

If the refund account is not the student’s personal bank account, please fill the agreement for returning the prepayment to the client’s account.

If the refund account is not a Taiwanese account, the handling fee will be borne by the student.

2、Average processing days for refund requests are 7-10 working days.

3、The Refund Policy is based on the Ministry of Education’s Guidelines for Colleges with Extension Education Programs.

4、Refunds refer to tuition cost only. Other costs, including application fees and insurance fee will not be refunded.

Refund Percentage of Tuition Applications Submitted
90% No later than the day before the program starts.
50% Before 1/3 of the program is completed
No refunds After the program is 1/3 completed